Artwork by TabbyKitsu, please do not steal!

Anime: In the show, Netto starts out with a standard Net Navi, then later recieves Rockman as a present from his father.
Game: Netto and Rockman are already aquianted

Anime: Rockman fights Fireman for the first time in Mayl's oven computer.
Game: Rockman fights Fireman in Netto's oven computer, Mayl's never catches fire.

Anime: Higure does not work for the World 3. His obsession with rare chips made him take over the school to take Yai's chips.
Game: Higure works for the World 3, and tries to brainwash the kids at school with a re-education program.

Anime: Tohru works with the World 3 by using Iceman when his father is held hostage.
Game: Tohru's father works with the World 3 by using Iceman when his son is held hostage.

Anime: Stoneman does not appear until after nearly 20 episodes.
Game: Stoneman appears MUCH earlier, and is a lot weaker.

Anime: Count Elec is very hilarious and is a rock and roll fan. ^_^
Game: Count Elec is not nearly as funny or entertaining. :P In fact he's just plain scary.

Anime: Gutsman tends to say "Guts! Guts!" after every sentance
Game: The "Guts! Guts!" dialect is not present.

Anime: The N1 Grand Prix occurs during the World 3's reign in the first season.
Game: The N1 Grand Prix is not introduced until after the World 3 and Gospel's defeat.

Anime: Ribbita is introduced much earlier, as an announcer at the N1 Grand Prix.
Game: Ribbita is not introduced until the second game, when Gospel takes over after the World 3.

Anime: The style of the standard PET does not include a fold-out keyboard.
Game: The style of the standard PET does have a fold-out keyboard (changes in EXE 3 to anime style).

Anime: Battle Chips must be recharged before they can be used again.
Game: Battle Chips are usable again directly after a battle.

Anime: Program Advances are done by selecting the correct ship combination AND being sychronized with your Navi.
Game: Program Advances are done by selecting the correct chip combination.

Anime: Elecman and Count Zap attack the metroline in the 2nd episode.
Game: Stoneman is sent to attack the metroline.

Anime: Madoi hacks into the traffic system and Yaito is stuck in a traffic jam when she has to go to the bathroom.
Game: Madoi hacks into the traffic system and Meiru is in a bus that has a virus in it that could make it blow at any minute.

Anime: Count Elec and Elecman are introduced in the 2nd episode attacking the metroline.
Game: Count Elec and Elecman are first introduced taking over the power plant at the Sci-Labs during a celebration.

Anime: The World 3 is searching for the Ultimate Program which they know is located inside an unknown Navi.
Game: The World 3 is trying to create the Life Virus in order to rule the world.

Anime: Saloma owns a flower and tea shop.
Game: Saloma has a flower kiosk in front of the Government Complex.

Anime: Blues does not use a shield of any kind to protect himself.
Game: Blues uses a shield to constantly deflect incoming attacks.

Anime: Pharaohman's Anubis statue turns Navis into stone.
Game: Pharaohman's Anubis statue/chip poisons you.

Anime: BetaSword acts similar to LifeSword1 (Program Advance), creating one huge slash.
Game: BetaSword allows one to use various swords several times.

Anime: Gospel appears before LifeVirus does.
Game: LifeVirus appears before Gospel does.

Anime: Rockman gains the ability to Style Change at the end of the World 3's reign
Game: Rockman gains the ability to Style Change during the Gospel Mafia's reign

Anime: Rockman can change styles in the middle of combat
Game: Rockman must change styles out of combat

Anime: Rockman has no limit to the styles he can keep, apparently
Game: Rockman can only keep 2 styles (later on only 1)

Anime: ElecTeam allows Rockman to use a Navi's power or merge with it using an extension chip.
Game: Team styles allow the use of 7 Navi chips instead of 5

Anime: Gauss is sent to wreak havoc on bank accounts.
Game: Gauss is sent to wreak havoc with airlines.

Anime: Raoul Battles Netto out of a good spirited challenge.
Game: Raoul Battles Netto for the right to Jack into his radio.

Anime: Netto Battles Ms. Millionaire to earn money to buy his mother a present.
Game: Netto Battles Ms. Millionaire to get his battle chips back.

Anime: Daisuke and Quickman intend to destroy the dam by turning the turbines in the dam backwards.
Game: The two decide to destroy the dam by four bombs hidden all over the camp.

Anime: Daisuke and Quickman have good intentions with their plan to save nature.
Game: Daisuke and Quickman are evil and are true members of the Gospel Mafia.

Anime: Enzan wears no resemblence to Blues' symbol on his clothes.
Game: Enzan wears Blues' symbol on the back of his red vest.

Anime: Masa-san has a secret identity as Commander Beef, and is an official Net Battler.
Game: Masa-san just runs a fish booth.

Anime: Princess Pride is not evil, and creates an anti-virus program.
Game: Princess Pride works for the crime organization Gospel.

Anime: Enzan is a prodigy Net Battler, one of the best in the world.
Game: Enzan is an Official Net Battler, who helps stop Net Crime.

Anime: Enzan must install a sword battle chip in order for Blues to equip a sword.
Game: Blues has a sword installed into his right arm as a default weapon.

Anime: Arashi is apprehended by the Net Agents shortly after Airman loses to Rockman.
Game: Arashi gets killed by Shuryou Gospel after Airman gets deleted by setting off a bomb in the suitcase.

Anime: Netto, Enzan, Meiru, Dekao, Masa, Saloma, Miyuki, Higure, and Tohru were participating in the N1 Grand Prix.
Game: Netto, Yaito, Enzan, Dekao, Raoul, Masa, and the foreign Official Netbattlers were participating in the N1 Grand Prix.

Anime: Meiru participated in the N1 Grand Prix.
Game: Meiru couldn't participate in the N1 Grand Prix since Roll did not succeed in the preliminary survival battle.

Anime: All of the N1 Grand Prix battles take place on the Mega Float.
Game: The N1 Grand Prix battles start on Hades Island, while the semi-finals and the finals took place at the TV station.

Anime: Shadowman appeared for the first time defending a virus factory at the Internet City.
Game: Shadowman appeared for the first time at the Marine Harbor Mothercomputer trying to destroy the core.

Anime: Rockman gets revived by having the memory data installed into the frame.
Game: Rockman gets revived after Netto installs the Saito.bat program.

Anime: Freezeman wreaks havoc by freezing everyone in Densan City with the Penguin Personal Cooler.
Game: Freezeman wreaks havoc by freezing the Internet which malfunctions the world's environment controllers.

Anime: Hinoken remains in the World Three.
Game: Hinoken was in the WWW, quit after losing to Netto to recover. He became neutral in Rockman EXE 2, but returned to the WWW in Rockman EXE 3.

Anime: Anyone is able to participate in the N1 Grand Prix.
Game: Before anyone can join the N1 Grand Prix, everyone must do a variety of tasks before they can go to the preliminaries.

Anime: Pharoahman awakens and is bent on ruling or destroying the world.
Game: Pharoahman appears as a hidden Navi shortly after beating both the first and second games.

Anime: Shuryou is a robot being manipulated by Wily.
Game: Shuryou was actually a little boy called Shun.

Anime: Gospel hunts down and devours Navis for more power.
Game: Gospel just screws with the servers at Gospel HQ in Kotobuki.

Anime: Forte was made from the remains of Pharoahman's data, much like Gospel.
Game: Forte was created by Dr. Cossack.

Anime: Beastman shows up for the first time to destroy the Scilabs and assist Shademan in stealing the Synchro Chips
Game: Beastman shows up terrorizing the Yoka Zoo by manipulating the electronic chips implanted on the animals.

Anime: Bubbleman appears for the first time by screwing with the toilets
Game: Bubbleman creates terror by manipulating the Bubble Washing Machines

Anime: Beastman and Bubbleman are members of the Darkloids.
Game: Beastman and Bubbleman are members of the WWW.

Anime: Yuriko is truly evil and is somehow linked with the Darkloids
Game: Yuriko is an ex-WWW member and was reformed by being a summer-school teacher.

Anime: Needleman is operated by Yuriko
Game: Needleman is operated by a gardener in Rockman EXE Transmission.

Anime: Bowlman wanted to bowl in the real world and is manipulated by Shademan to be evil.
Game: Bowlman is a #2 ranked Navi of the Undernet and is basically neutral.

Anime: Hinoken had Fireman for Season 1 and part of Season 2, switched to Heatman for the rest of Season 2, then reverted back to Fireman on Axess
Game: Hinoken first had Fireman for Rockman EXE 1 and Rockman EXE Transmission, switched to Heatman in Rockman EXE 2, then switched to Flamman (or Flameman) in Rockman EXE 3.

Anime: Custom Style allows program advances to be executed easily by using one chip
Game: Custom style allows the player to start out with a selection of 7 battle chips instead of 5.

Anime: A Cannon chip is used as an automated turret
Game: A Cannon chip is used as an arm cannon

Anime: Attacks from a certain chip can be used unlimited times unless it is damaged or another chip is slotted in
Game: Attacks from all chips are used one time only.

Anime: Needleman is operated by Yuriko
Game: Needleman is operated by a gardener in Rockman EXE Transmission.

Anime: Bowlman wanted to bowl in the real world and is manipulated by Shademan to be evil.
Game: Bowlman is a #2 ranked Navi of the Undernet and is basically neutral.

Anime: Hinoken had Fireman for Season 1 and part of Season 2, switched to Heatman for the rest of Season 2, then reverted back to Fireman on Axess
Game: Hinoken first had Fireman for Rockman EXE 1 and Rockman EXE Transmission, switched to Heatman in Rockman EXE 2, then switched to Flamman (or Flameman) in Rockman EXE 3.

Big thanks to everyone who has submitted info for this section!
Have you noticed a difference between the games and anime? ^_^ E-mail me and let me know!