::: Battle Chip Info ::: Name: PA Haste Damage: Variable MB: 72 Codes: * Attributes: none Element: none Classification: Mega Chip Description: Use this chip in order to quickly obtain a PA. In order to activate this chip select the first chip needed to make a PA, then this chip. For example to activate a PA that requires three of the same chips such as GigaCannon, select chip Cannon then chip PA Haste. For a PA that requires different type of chips, just substitute this chip for a required chip. For example to activate PA dreamsword, you need sword, wide sword, and long sword. If you are missing for example a long sword, replace the long sword with this chip in the correct formation to activate the PA. Note: This chip will only activate a PA if you activted once according to the PA library. For example, if you did not use GigaCannon the first time, this chip will not active the GigaCannon PA since the PA formula does not exist in your library. But for some PAs such as dreamsword has more than one type of possiblity to activate the PA, it is still possible to activate the PA even though you never used them before. For example you used the chips coded S in order to create dreamsword. But according to the library, there is the second possiblity of the PA using the chips coded L such as Sword, Wide Blade and Long Blade. Therefore if you are missing a Sword, but have the Wide Blade and Long Blade, you can replace the missing Sword using this mega class chip PA Haste. This chip does not replace a mega class that may be required in a PA for example Navi chips. This chip only works properly if you are treating this chip as if it was a regular chip. For example if you selected PA Haste before Cannon, PA will not be activated. It is the same if you selected the chips in the wrong order to activate dreamsword. railracer7 railracer7@yahoo.com