: Battle Chip Info: Name: Ladakeru Damage: 260 x ??? (Depends on your inputted command, but the battle chip will be shown with the damage of 260 on the battle chip.) MB: 97 Codes: C Attributes: normal Classification: Giga Chip Description: This chip works differently, largely depends on your Rockman's karma. If you are a light Rockman, when you use a chip, the chip will be a light-attribute chip, and will still do damages to enemies if though they are invised/holed/guarded/etc.; if you are a dark Rockman, the chip will be a dark attribute chip, and it will automatically paralyzes the enemy for 5 seconds, leaving them open for attacks. (See Light/Dark Ladakeru) Also, with inputting different commands before you release the A button, the chip will react differently by having different attacks coming out, similar to Variable Sword in the real game. For example, if you press down, downright, right before you release the A button, the beam will become a long beam, dealing 1.5 the damage. Also, if you hold down the A button without inputting any commands, the chip will also become a beam attack, dealing only 3 space ahead but dealing 1.5 damage. Every attacks (other than just simply pressing A) will multiply the damage by 1.5. The different commands that you can input to change the attacks are shown below: After holding down the A button without inputting any commands, the chip will result in a charged beam, dealing damage 3 spaces ahead. (See Light/Dark Ladakeru-charged) After inputting down, down-right and right before releasing the A button, the chip turns into a long beam and extends to a 4 square range. (See dark/light long beam) After inputting up, right and down before releasing the A button, the chip turns into a wide sword. (See light/dark wide sword) After inputting down, left, up, right and down before releasing the A button, the chip turns into a power-energy attack, covering 2x3 range, similar to life sword. (See light/dark life beam) After inputting left, B, right and B before releasing the A button, the chip turns into a single Sonic Boom, and the Sonic Boom will stop once it hits an enemy. (See light/dark sonic boom) After inputting left, right, left and B before releasing the A button, the chip turns into a Sonic Boom. The difference between this one and the one above is that it goes through the enemy even though it hits an enemy and it has BOTH the effects of Dark and Light type, instead of just one of them. (See super sonic boom) After inputting up, B, down, B, up and B before releasing the A button, the chip turns into 3 Sonic Booms. The first one is the type your Rockman has, the 2nd one is the opposite, and the third one is the Super Sonic Boom. Between each Sonic Boom, the enemy won't be "invincible" until the last one is hit. Since these attacks are really powerful, this chip counts as a giga chip. Also, this chip can activate a P.A. with 2 other chips. One is Ladakeru+Forte+Django/Otenko. What this does is Rockman automatically changes back to normal karma, and split in to three: normal, light, and dark. The light Rockman shoots out a light beam, similar to Django's, normal shoots out a dark/light dragon, and the dark shoots out Hell's rolling, like Forte. Each attack does 500 damage and it can’ be guarded/invested/etc. The damage rate is really high since this P.A. takes 2 giga chips and 1 mega chip. (See P.A.) Rockman EXE st40611@gmail.com